Everything helpful and iPad related is collected here

4 ways to use big data in schools
March 25, 2020/by Utility Rentals
How can schools prevent cyber-bullying?
March 20, 2020/by Utility Rentals
EdTech trends in 2020: what to look out for
March 11, 2020/by Utility Rentals
Are paperless schools the future?
February 12, 2020/by Utility Rentals
Safety first: Why your school needs an iPad usage policy
January 15, 2020/by Utility Rentals
The top 5 classroom management apps for iPads
January 2, 2020/by Utility Rentals
4 unusual ways to use iPads in schools
November 27, 2019/by Utility Rentals
6 smart strategies for using iPads in the classroom
October 30, 2019/by Utility Rentals
5 awesome (but lesser known) iPad features
October 2, 2019/by Utility Rentals
5 cracking coding apps for iPads
August 21, 2019/by Utility Rentals
iPads for schools (Pro, minis, Air): choosing between these tech titans
July 24, 2019/by Utility Rentals
How to design your own educational apps for iPads
June 12, 2019/by Utility RentalsiPads for Education from Utility Rentals helps schools, acadamies, colleges and universities across the UK to acquire Apple iPads through affordable and tailor made rental solutions.
Our team of tablet wizards are fully in tune with the requirements of the education sector and will work in partnership with you to make the process of getting and maintaining iPads for your pupils and staff refreshingly straightforward.
Reach out to us
Tel: 01628 667373
Visit us: Longriver House, Whittle Parkway, Burnham, Berkshire, SL1 6DQ
The legal stuff
Part of the Longriver Group.
Utility Rentals is a trading name of Mileshield Limited
Registered in England No. 1967181
Registered office: Belmont Place, Belmont Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 6TB